at the urging of ~: ~의 권고(권유)로
urge가 명사로 쓰일때의 의미는 ‘충동, 열망’의 뜻
He signed up for seminar at the urging of the general manager.
legal practice: the work of a lawyer, or the place where they work.
It takes many years before one can open a legal practice.
발행부수, 판매부수
The journal’s domestic circulation had fallen steadily.
상태를 나타내는 동사인 know는 현재진행형 사용하지 않음
I’m knowing of local traffic laws. (X)
I know local trafiic laws. (O)
I’m cognizant of local traffic laws. (O)
disappoint의 주체가 뭔지 살펴볼것. 기록이 실망스러운것이지 기록이 실망을 느끼는것이 아님.
The overall sales record has remainded disappointing. (O)
The overall sales record has remainded disappointed. (X)
사람 간, 국가 간 관계를 나타낼때는 relations 복수형을 사용.
international relations